Free Facebook Wi-Fi

Facebook Wi-Fi lets customers check in to participating businesses on Facebook for free Wi-Fi access. When people check in to your Page, you can share offers and other announcements with them.

Using Facebook Wi-Fi

To use Facebook Wi-Fi:
  1. Connect to the business’s wireless network.
  2. Launch your web browser (ex: Firefox).
  3. Your browser will open automatically to the business’s Facebook Wi-Fi Page. From here, you can check in to the business to access Facebook Wi-Fi.
Please keep in mind if you've opted in to automatic check-ins you still need to launch your web browser before using Facebook Wi-Fi, otherwise some apps might not work.
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Yes, you can choose not to check in on Facebook and still access Wi-Fi by entering a password provided to you by the business. The business might not ask you for a password. In this case, you can simply skip checking in to access Wi-Fi.
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Your check-in may show in News Feed and on your Timeline for your selected audience, which you can change by using the audience selector. You can change the audience for a check-in or hide or delete the check-in from your Timeline by visiting your Timeline or your activity log.
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Checking in using Facebook Wi-Fi is similar to a regular check-in, but with Facebook Wi-Fi you can opt into being automatically checked in when you return to a business you‘ve previously checked into.
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No, Facebook Wi-Fi will not automatically check you into a business. If you're using Facebook Wi-Fi you'll have an option to check-in to a business each time you visit.
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Yes, you can check-in on a laptop, mobile device or both to access free Wi-Fi.
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Setting Up Facebook Wi-Fi for Your Business

Facebook Wi-Fi turns your router into a Wi-Fi hotspot, connecting you with your customers when they visit your business and bringing visitors to your Facebook Page. With just one click, your customers can check in to the location associated with your Facebook Page and start using the Web. You can also share offers and announcements with customers on your Page.
Make sure that you're an admin for your business's Facebook Page and that your Page has a validlocation. If you don’t have a Page, learn how to set one up.
  1. Log into Facebook.
  2. Make sure you have a router that supports Facebook Wi-Fi.
  3. Enable the sign on with Facebook option. This process will be different depending on the router you use:
    • Meraki: Launch your wireless router’s admin console and select Sign on with Facebook in the Splash Page section.
    • Cisco: Log into your Connect & Engage dashboard from the Cisco Mobility Service Engine 8.0 and select Facebook Wi-Fi on the menu.
    • NETGEAR: Visit and click the Advanced tab. Then, clickFacebook Wi-Fi > Configure.
    • D-Link: Visit dlinkrouter.local. and click the Setup tab > Guest Zone. Check the boxes Enable Guest Zones and Enable Facebook Wi-Fi.
    • Open-Mesh: Log in to your network at and select Facebook Wi-Fi in the SSID #1 Splash Page section.
    • Aruba: Select Facebook Wi-Fi for sign-on, then set the session length and terms of service.
    • Intelbras: Visit the IP address provided in your manual, then start the install wizard and select Facebook for Wi-Fi access.
    • Ruckus Wireless: Log into ZoneDirector. Click Configure > WLANs > Create WLAN > for WLAN Type, select Social Media > for Social Media Login, select Facebook.
  4. The Facebook Wi-Fi Configuration panel will open in a new window. In the dropdown menu, select the Facebook Page associated with your business's location.
  5. In the Bypass Mode section, you can choose whether customers can use a Wi-Fi code that you give them or click on a link to skip checking in.
  6. Click Save Settings.
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Learn more about creating, claiming or editing your Page.
Only Pages with valid locations can use Facebook Wi-Fi, so you'll need to create a different Page for each location of your business.
If your business is setting up or already using Facebook Wi-Fi, Facebook can help you create these Pages. Find out if your business qualifies.
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If your Page has any age or country restrictions, only people who are logged into Facebook and meet your restrictions will be able to view your Page. To make your Page visible to everyone, remove age and country restrictions.
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  1. Go to your Page and click Edit Page at the top of your admin panel
  2. Select Edit Settings from the dropdown menu
  3. Click on the More... tab and select Facebook Wi-Fi from the dropdown menu
  4. Select the network you want to stop using with your Page
  5. Click Delete
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To edit your Wi-Fi code:
  1. Go to your Page and click Edit Page at the top of your admin panel.
  2. Select Edit Settings from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the More... tab and select Facebook Wi-Fi.
  4. Select Require Wi-Fi code and edit your Wi-Fi code in the box. You can also choose not to require a code by selecting Skip check-in link.
  5. Click Save Settings.
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To add or edit terms of service:
  1. Go to your Page and click Edit Page at the top of your admin panel
  2. Select Edit Settings from the dropdown menu
  3. Click on the More... tab and select Facebook Wi-Fi
  4. Check the box under Terms of Service and enter your terms into the field
  5. Click Save Settings
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You can control how long people will have access to Wi-Fi at your business by selecting a session length. To choose a session length:
  1. Go to your Page and click Edit Page at the top of your admin panel
  2. Select Edit Settings from the dropdown menu
  3. Click on the More... tab and select Facebook Wi-Fi
  4. In the Session Length section, use the dropdown menu to select a length of time
  5. Click Save Settings
If someone's using Facebook Wi-Fi at your business and their session expires, they can check in again to re-access Wi-Fi.
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Facebook Wi-Fi is currently available on:
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Contact your wireless router manufacturer or Internet service provider.
Free Facebook Wi-Fi Free Facebook Wi-Fi Reviewed by Unknown on 07:53:00 Rating: 5

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