I2H (Internet Protocol 2 Home)
Near by future nothing but 2020 ,every device , every home and every buildings what not ,all the possible things will be connected to IOT. I2H plays key role in IOT , it is sophisticated model that its accuracy makes proper outcomes. Every one knows about what IOT is and how it rather works. IOT started its presence in the world and with every latest technical device it just coupling to make most of the times. Latest tech is also providing digital devices for more time saving as well less power consumption and one of it was drone which was popular for its activities. It is mostly used for taking earth pictures or videos with high resolution cameras. Now what next ? with technology,with technical devices, and ofcourse with I2H. Now let me tell what I2H means and does. It is Internet Protocol 2 Home which covers total interior of the home and make all the devices connected with IOT each having a IP address . Every home or house or apartments on the top they would have a signal receiver (Deliver Direct 2 Home) device similar to DTH and just shows the exact location . Now with this receiver we find more accurate location and it is also useful to deliver the goods to those address with the help of drones. More over this type of technology cost one time investment and make money for the small scale or startup companies .To make it as a successful project ,jainmiah.sk (Founder) collabarated with complex solution tech . This is under execution and soon it will be launched in India .
I2H (Internet Protocol 2 Home)
Reviewed by Unknown
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