My God ! are all this from Google ?

What you know about Google ?  may be you know it's a Search Engine and  has Gmail , Google+ , Blogspot ,  Maps, Android Play Store , YouTube , Google News , Google Drive , Google Calendar , Google Translate , Google Photos . We all know that google is most preferable brand in the world for its wide range of services and technology . What if we say that google provides  122  accurate services all over the world that not even known to many . Believe us we provide you the details about all the services that google handles .

Top 122 google services that mostly used by every one :

  1.  Google chrome : World's best web browser and used by most the world .Google Chrome is a fast, simple, and secure web browser, built for the modern web.
  2. Google Account : It is used for creating a new account that takes you in the world of web with great services. A single username and password gets you into everything Google (Gmail, Chrome, YouTube, Google Maps). Set up your profile and preferences just the way you like. Switch between devices and pick up wherever you left off .
  3. You Tube :Another best video surfing site from google in which millions of videos are uploading daily and billions videos are watched daily . Enjoy the videos and music you love , upload original content and share it all with friends , family and the world on You Tube .
  4. Gmail : Best and secure mail service that sends and receive crores of mails daily . Gmail is available across all your devices Android, iOS, and desktop devices. Sort, collaborate or call a friend without leaving your inbox.
  5. Google Play : Google plays key role in development of android platform with collaboration of different organizations in the world . Enjoy millions of the latest Android apps, games, music, movies, TV, books, magazines & more. Anytime, anywhere, across your devices.
  6. Google Search : Most commonly heard search engine and it search billions of searches per second . Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.
  7. Google Adsense : For making money better than anything for website google adsense is the preferred program in the world . AdSense is a free, simple way to earn money by placing ads on your website.
  8. Google+ : It is a place to connect with friends and family and explore all of your interest . Share photos , send messages and stay in touch with the people you love .
  9. Google Maps : You can navigate easily in unknown parts of the world and reach to the destination . You can create custom maps for personal or commercial use .Finally you can view local business and drive destination easily .
  10. Google Drive : This one of the free cloud storage service from google . Which offers 15 GB of free storage which includes gmail and google photos . Enjoy uploading files ,folders ,documents , pictures ..etc
  11. Google Ad Words : This another program that makes your business popular on the web . You can find your business in search engine buy paying a small sum and also publish banners in other websites too.
  12. Google Photos : Find and share your memories easier.the place where you can get inspired to bring your photos to life and share your favorite memories. With the launch of the new Google Photos App, find and share your memories easier.
  13. Google Blogger : For those who have interest in writing unique content on their own blogs. Its free product from google. It offers free templates/themes that are used to share photos ,text and videos
  14. Google Finance : This for getting real time stock quotes ,charts , financial news , currency conversation and it also provides tracking your portfolio. One big service for your needs in business .
  15. Google Earth : This another service from google which provides navigation service with respect to google apps. One can easily view all the places in the world with images in satellite view and mountain view .
  16. Google News : Google also provide instant news from all over the world . It provide sports news, political news , crime , movies ...etc news . It also provides other news sites to have current news updates in the search.
  17. Google Picasa : Photo editing software
  18. Google Toolbar : Browser Extension for Internet Explorer to have google search.
  19. Google Calendar : To set your upcomming events or remainders we use this mainly on web .
  20. Google Doc Editor : You can have Ms Office online and can edit your docs .
  21. Google Books : Similar to amazon kindle fire you can have google books to read online .
  22. Google Groups : It allows you to create & participate in online forums and email based groups.
  23. Google Android : World's most popular android operating system. It has released many versions and the current version is marshmallow .
  24. Google Sites : Intranet , site building and project management tools for companies.
  25. Google Voice : It provides one single number for all your phones and voice mails.

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My God ! are all this from Google ? My God ! are all this from Google ? Reviewed by Unknown on 10:02:00 Rating: 5

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